Interview with William Kenney

I had the pleasure of interviewing fantasy writer and artist William Kenney. During this interview we find out what inspired his books, art, and what artistic services he offers. Check out this enlightening Q&A below.
How many books have you written?
To date, I have written four novels, one novella and one short story that have been published. There are bits and pieces of other stories lying around from when I was young, but no one will ever see those. I still like them, but they are not up to professional standards in my opinion.
Tell me about the In the Shadow of the Black Sun Saga.
The tale begins a dozen years after The Battle of the Black Sun, the most horrific war the land of Kirkaldin had ever seen. Hagan emerged a decorated war hero, but wanted nothing more of battle. He went into self-exile in the hills above his hometown and numbed himself with ale. He simply wanted to be left alone, but he had sworn an oath in the aftermath of the war. If the land ever needed him again, he would return with blade in hand to defend it.
The Stone Troll, Gorin, is sent to convince Hagan to return to Harquinn, the site of The Battle of the Black Sun. The council of mages has summoned him. This can only mean the return of Mournenhile, the embodiment of all that is evil, bent on the destruction of the west.
As the tale unfolds, Hagan is joined by others; his younger brother D'Pharin, Vasparian, an elf who served with him during the war and Windenn the Woodwarden who possesses the hidden knowledge of the world's forests. The Inquitis, servants of the dark one, shadow their every step in an attempt to stop them from reaching the council.
Has Mournenhile returned? If the companions reach the city of Harquinn, will Hagan once more serve the council and stand against the coming horde?
What inspired you to write this saga?
Reading The Lord of the Rings when I was a boy really ignited my love of fantasy in general and I began to devour every story that I could find in that genre. I really enjoyed the tales of companionship, of characters from differing backgrounds and races who came together on a perilous quest to save the world. Soon I began to create my own characters and settings and eventually set out to write my own epic fantasy tale. The In the Shadow of the Black Sun saga is that tale.
When do you anticipate the next book in this saga being released?
As of today (August 5th, 2013), I have written 190 pages of Mournenhile (Book 3 of the series). I anticipate that I will finish the story and have it available before the end of the year. Cross your fingers.
Where can your books be purchased?
My books are available through most of the major ebook sellers.
My books are also available through iTunes, Kobo and Sony. A simple search will pull them up.
You are not only a writer but also an artist. Tell me a little about your art?
I've been an artist as long as a writer, starting out when I was a boy. As with my writing, my art leans toward fantasy. I've published my own comic books in the past as well. I've done countless commissions for others, providing art for tattoos, album covers and many book covers. I create both traditional and digital art, finding advantages to both techniques. Some pieces are created completely within Photoshop, using a graphic tablet.
Where can we view your work and learn more about your services?
I have a blog containing many examples of my art and all of the links to my written work.
The link is:
And for information regarding book covers and art commissions in general, please visit this page: Art Samples
How can readers connect with you?
Facebook Author page: Author William Kenney
Twitter: @WilliamJKenney
And readers can email me as well at
I have also gathered a few other writers of fantasy and created a writers group called Skulldust Circle. Here is the link for those that are interested:
Tell me a little more about you:
Well, I am also a musician (guitar) and played in a metal band here in St. Louis in the 90's. We had a pretty decent following and put out our own music that was available in the local music stores. I still record at home and enjoy writing songs and playing guitar as a hobby. I also have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and love Asian martial arts films. Bruce Lee is the king. I currently live near St. Louis, MO with my wife (who is also an artist) and two children.
What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
My wife is Chinese, so I've been exposed to some food that the typical American might find weird. Let me see.... Shark fin soup, Abalone (gigantic sea snails)....pigeon, chicken get the idea.
What is your favorite holiday?
Halloween by far. No other holiday comes close. I enjoy the freedom of walking around like a crazy person without the rest of the world committing you to an asylum.
What is your favorite type of music?
I usually listen to the heavier stuff, rock and metal, but I enjoy songs from every genre. My CD collection ranges from The Beatles and Bowie to Tool and Slipknot and everything in between. I'm not a big fan of country, but there are a few songs/artists that I like. Being a guitarist, I also like guitar instrumentalists.
If you could meet anyone from history, who would you meet and why?
Bruce Lee would be at the top of the list. I'd love to have a conversation with John Lennon. Of course, I'd have to meet Tolkien as well. Aristotle. Confucius. Nostradamus. Hitler (so I could put an end to his insanity before it started.)
If you were a spy what would your alias be?
Dorian Viper, the Hyper Sniper. Hmmm...sounds like a new book series to me.