August 31, 2013

Author Interview: R.C. Berry

Interview with R.C. Berry

R.C. Berry is an indie author with quite a personality. She has published two books of a trilogy and will soon be publishing the final book. The release of the third book in the trilogy will take place at a grand book release gala. Check out the Q&A that I had with the author to find out more about her books, and how you can involved with her project and attend the gala.

How many books have you published? 
Two so far, but I'm working on a third.

Tell me about these books.

The Set In Stone trilogy is basically about the life of Medusa, but with a little twist.  It started off as just one book that would tell a back story, you know, kinda like Wicked.  I wanted to show a different side to Medusa, to get people thinking about how a person's past can shape their present.  So, when you see someone on the street, or maybe someone with a certain reputation, I want people to not only think about how they are, but maybe how they were, and what happened in their life to kind of create the person they are today, whether good or bad.  Everyone has a story, and every story has more than one side.
From there it kinda evolved and expanded to include other characters in Greek Mythology.  Like I said, everyone has their story, and there's usually conflicting opinions, so I figure, what's one more? I threw my own spin on a lot of things, but focused more on the character of certain people.  I have a thing for "the unexpected".  So, I decided to carry on and take it further than anyone else has.  I guess I also have a thing for pushing the envelope.

When do you anticipate the release of the final book?

Well, the "official" release will be in February, with the release gala, but the third book will be out at Christmas, so everyone who has supported the trilogy can get their advanced copies, etc.

Tell me about the book release gala.

Oh it's going to be incredible! I want to recreate a sort of Mount Olympus festival.  I want everyone that night to feel like an immortal.  There will be readings from the books, some performances, good food, good drinks... It's definitely all about celebrating the accomplishment but also, I like to immerse people into the story as much as possible.  It's great that I'll be filming the short in the same location, so hopefully everyone will feel like they're part of the journey.

How can readers get involved in this project and/or purchase tickets?

Well, everything can be accessed from the website .  From there, you can buy merchandise, learn more about the books and the project, and also be a part of the Gala on Feb 8, 2014. There will be musical and dance performances, a silent auction, drinks, food, and much much more! Purchase your tickets here

What inspired you to write this trilogy?
Well, I've always loved Greek Mythology.  Always loved the story of Medusa (I'm a huge fan of the old school Clash Of The Titans) and have just always been the kind of person who likes to look at things a different way.  I'm always looking for the good in people, and am always fascinated by dichotomy, so what better way to get my feet wet in this crazy industry.

Where can the books be purchased?

Right now you can purchase them on Amazon, both paperback and e-book versions: Set in Stone Books

Are you on any social media outlets?

Yes there's Facebook and Twitter both for me and the books.  To be honest, I'm more active on Twitter, but I'm hoping to get more time for social media soon, though that's doubtful.  


R.C. Berry Facebook
Set in Stone Facebook


R.C. Berry - @berrybooks
Set In Stone - @SetInStoneBooks

Do you ever experience writer's block?

I do.  It was a lot worse with the 2nd book, which caused a huge delay.  It's a horrible feeling, and I think it's always the closest I ever come to really giving up.

What advice would you give to people who "run out of creativity" when writing?

To be honest, I don't think you ever truly "run out of creativity".  I think it's always there.  What I think happens is fear.  You know what you want to say, you know where you want the story to go, but you're afraid.  Most of the times you're afraid of how what you write will be received, but sometimes, you could simply be afraid to be honest.  Honesty can be brutal, it can be painful, it can be unconventional and controversial.  So it can be scary.  Our natural impulse to things that frighten us is to block them out.  It's like a child afraid there's a monster in the closet, or under the bed.  They pull the blanket over their head and block it out, shut themselves off and feel "It can't get me here."  

Anytime you do anything creative, you make yourself vulnerable.  The more true you are in your art, the more naked you are to any and everyone who will ever see it.  When you're creating that kind of art, you have to pull pieces of yourself into it, so your personal life, past and present, begins to weigh on you, and so you have all these things on your mind, and inevitably, you know it'll make itself known.  When people have a block, I don't think it's a matter of "I don't know where to take it" but more of you know exactly where you have to go, you're just afraid to take that actual step.

The only advice I can give is actually recycled from my good friend May Torres when I was blocked while writing the 2nd book.  She told me "Just.... tell your story.  You have a story.  Stop worrying about page numbers.  Stop worrying about who will like it.  Someone will like it.  Someone will love it.  Someone won't.  Your only job, is to tell your story."  After that, things flowed a lot easier.

What's the best thing about being an author?

You get whatever you want!  You get to create worlds, and make them however you want, you can create heroes and villains.  Your greatest fantasies can become reality (of sorts).  You can indulge in a darker side of yourself, or be the goody two shoes you've always wished you were.

You know the author threat "I'm going to write you into my book and kill you off"...If you were to do this to someone how would you kill them off?

Poetically.  I love the thought of poetic justice, so I'd definitely kill someone off in a very "fitting" or "deserving" way.  So, a guy that neglects or abuses his girl, but loves his car, maybe I'll have him accidentally leave it in gear while he's checking out a rear tire, have the car run over him and drag him down a hill... you know... fun stuff!

We want to know more about you...

If there was a movie about your life, who would you want to play you?

Queen Latifah.  She's beautiful and strong, and she's equally good at playing drama and comedy, which is pretty much my life in a nutshell.

If you were trapped on a deserted island and only had three things what would they be?

An iPad, A solar charger, and a love slave (food and water be damned lol)

Do you have any hidden talents?

Um... why ... yes I dooo >:D ... though some of them would not be appropriate to mention lol.  

As for the rest, I don't know how hidden they are.  I really enjoy photography and graphic design, and I'm developing some skills in that respect.  I love music, so I play around with that as well, although, I'm more protective of that than anything else.  I'm an above average napper and a superb cuddler, I can provide references upon request.

Just like "Everybody Wang Chung tonight!", what action would your name be if it were a verb?

Well, my name (Rassy) has been used as a verb and an adjective, so I would say to Rassy, or any variation (Rassify, Rasscilitate,etc.) would mean "to make utterly fabulous in an unexpected or otherwise shocking way."

Pretend you have multiple personalities, describe each one?

Oh lord, get comfy.

I would say there's only 3 sides to me.

There's the me that everyone gets... I try to stay WYSIWYG as much as humanly possible, so, this is me. She's sweet, kind, She wants everyone to be happy.  She desires a harmonious world though she realizes the likelihood is anything but.  She's not shy, but still reserved with a lot of herself, because though she's friendly with everyone, there are very few people she considers her friends, and very VERY few people that she really trusts.  She tries to be the example of what she wants to see in people loves being around people, and does her best to please as many as she can.  She's the fun one that you can also depend on and will always be there with a shoulder to cry on or an encouraging word.

The 2nd side of me, I would say is my hedonistic side.  She's fueled by desire and pleasure.  Not too many people get to see her... but those that do... rawr!  She's the one who can completely lose herself in a delicious meal, or a lover's touch or a sumptuous fabric.  She's driven by what feels good and is very much in the moment. She's a little bit selfish, and can be aggressive when it comes to something she wants.  She's mischievous and passionate, and can be a little bit of a troublemaker.  The funniest part is, because I'm naturally very flirtatious, a lot of people think I'm her all the time, and I'm really not.  I'm very particular about who I show that side to, and when I show it, so that side of me has to be earned... but its well worth it.  Most people that think I'm dying to share her with them, don't know how far they are from really seeing her.

The last side of me... hmmm.  It's she who shall not be named.  I don't like her very much, so I try to push her away as much as possible.  She's the one who comes out when I've been pushed too far.  The catalyst could be a big thing, it could be a small thing, but it all comes from being taken for granted or taken advantage of for far too long.  I'm very easy going and I keep and open mind and an open heart.  Most people have tapering points, but I have more of an open plain.  As far as the eye can see, you have plenty of room to test my limits, but, it all ends in a cliff, and once you fall off, that's it.  I don't like her because she's cold, unfeeling, and unforgiving.  She could show up without warning because she's been keeping an account all along, and when you are finally in the red, she calls your marker in.  She's not violent, she's not emotional... she's just done.  I don't like to deal with that kind of finality, but sometimes, it's unavoidable.

What are your favorite pizza toppings?

Mushrooms and sausage

If you were a food, what would it be and why?

I'd be Chicken N Dumplins (not to be confused with chicken pastry).  I'd like to personify what chicken n dumplins means to most people.  Warm, comforting, really good.  It may look like a mess of colors and textures and shapes, but it sticks to you, fortifies you, and makes you feel better... makes you feel like you can face anything... plus, anything you can sop up with a biscuit has me written all over it :D

Sing in the rain or dance in the streets?

Dance in the streets... I'm a horrible singer!

Finish this sentence... My aunt in Tanzania always says....

You can do anything, though you shouldn't do everything.  But, you won't accomplish nothing, if you don't do SOMETHING. (My aunt talks in double negatives sometimes)

Connect with R.C. Berry:


R.C. Berry - @berrybooks
Set In Stone - @SetInStoneBooks

Purchase R.C. Berry's books:

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